English class


Hi everyone, today i have to talk about my english class of this semester. I consider that English is a language that nowadays is an obligation to know because is a universal language and for an architecture student is even more useful, you can talk with almost all the people around the world either for a job or for going to study abroad.

For the same reason I think that its good and important that the university take English as an compulsory subject. Although i don’t really like online classes because everything is less spontaneous despite of that I have learnt but there is so much to learn yet. The homeworks through blogs are a dynamic and nice option to practice my writing also it allows me to interact with my classmates writing comments and replying them that’s very important cause during class  we dont talk to each other so much, i think i get to know them a little bit because of blogs. 

I think that I have to improve in everything a little bit but the most difficult thing for me is to speak fluently and pronunciation otherwise reading and writing is easy enough for me, to keep improving its useful to watch movies in English and pay attention to conversations. Nowadays I don’t have moments where I speak English just listening in movies but in the past I´ve had to speak English when I’ve been abroad but just in a basic way.

I like English but unfortunately I haven’t been able to practice so much neither haven’t had the time to, also this year it has been even more difficult cause the academic burden in others classes has been so much and harsh, besides I have to do other stuff out of university as helping at home but always I try to do all my obligations and as I said before I’ve enjoyed so much writing blogs for my homework. For last I could say that I would like to wish to all my classmates luck in the last oral test for this class. bye!!



  1. You are totally right. English is a must and not only in arquitecture but in almost everything.

  2. I feel the same as you, the classes have been heavy, and the opportunities to practice few, I never thought I would say this, but I miss the classroom haha


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